Access Controls
Are there tests for failed authentication states?
- Use existing authentication frameworks whenever possible instead of creating one yourself
- Support authentication methods that make sense for your needs
- Limit the ability of an attacker to take control of an account
- You can take steps to prevent attacks to identify or compromise accounts
- Never use default or hard-coded credentials
Proper Access Controls
This one is tricky as it is very dependent on the context of your application. Here are some things to consider:
- How do users authenticate? Are you using a secure library?
- Should only privileged users have access to certain resources? Where are these roles stored? Could they be manipulated by user input?
- What systems/services can access your database?
This last point is absolutely critical. App context varies, but an anonymous user/system/service should never be able to access your database. Make sure there is a strong authentication model for your database.
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