Generic Pre-flight Checklist


Secrets are stored securely

A “secret” includes passwords, API keys, and private keys.

  • No cleartext secrets in git
  • Secrets may be:
    • Encrypted, (e.g. git-crypt)
    • Stored in the environment
    • Stored in secure storage (e.g. credstash)

Anti-CSRF is enabled

When a web browser submits a HTTP request, it dutifully includes all matching cookies, regardless of what web page the request came from. Without CSRF protection, a nefarious page can get your browser to make requests to a protected site while authenticated as you.


  • Idempotent HTTP GET: You must remember to make all GET actions idempotent (does not change the data). This is because the Rails anti-CSRF only applies to HTTP POST.
  • Images are not protected: Images and other assets are not protected by the Rails anti-CSRF or the same-origin policy. If you have images with sensitive information, then you need an additional system to prevent a third party site from stealing these images.
  • If the application has a XSS vulnerability, then CSRF is also defeated.

Cookies and sessions

  • Authentication always triggers a session reset
  • data in cookies is untrusted, unless signed
  • sessions have a max lifetime
  • sessions expire after inactivity

HTTP Headers

  • Enable secure headers
  • Sensitive content is not cached
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, no-store

Secure connections

  • TLS is required in production
  • Database connections are secure
  • Other inputs and outputs
  • APIs?

Input Validation

  • Input has restrictive validation
  • All queries use parameter binding
  • No mass assignment

Output Filtering

  • User input is not used to build file paths
  • All output is filtered, even if the data has been previously validated.


  • Reasonable authentication system
  • The default is to require authorization
  • follows principles of least privilege


  • Dependency checks are run in pipeline
  • Static analysis is run in pipeline

Routing and URLs

  • There is no sensitive information in any application URLs
  • All stylesheets have absolute paths


  • Purpose of application
  • Security considerations
  • How application is installed, configured, and run


  • Logging is centralized